Eco Friendly Household Cleaners What Eco Friendly Or "Green'' Product...?

What Eco Friendly or "Green'' product...? - eco friendly household cleaners

Less than $ 25 will buy? In addition to the budget.


kcguy693... said...

With only $ 25 I would if I owned a house or buy Caulk / weather strip to my house if there were no drafts, windows and doors, my heating and cooling sufficient to recover my money quickly and within a year. If the building envelope shall be sealed, or you can replace compact fluorescent bulbs in the recovery of this depends on what you pay for electrcity (a 25W CFL bulb is the same as 100-watt bulb killowatt save $ 3 12 cents per hour on 33.33 hours continuous operation) If you have already done both will aerators ($ 2 each) for all of my sinks and shower heads with low-flow shower buy for me ($ 15 - $ 30)

If I am not the owner would have to buy cloth bags for when I went to the grocery store and a bottle of water in stainless steel instead of plastic.

fred said...

an empty box of compostable.

an object (eg people) is green, only less dangerous than anything else.
unless you count that as a forest product, then 5 trees will be the bill.

For example, no household cleaning a lot of water, packaging and transport of low impact on the environment used at all stages of production, transportation, marketing and disposal

Liz S said...

I want to buy carbon offsets $ 25


So many books as possible environmental


Organic food and fair trade --

M o said...

You can buy the seeds for a garden, food from the market or a farmer.

josyul02... said...

.. Biologics

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